Can the African American woman save us...
History is repeating itself. They say beside every great man, there is a good woman. However, it seems as though woman are becoming just as, if not more, successful than black men. Brothers’, I don’t know whether you have been watching, but I’m here to tell you that within the next 10 yrs, not only will African American woman have executive positions in the corporate world, but they will also be the head of many households abroad. I know it may be tough to make sense of, but stay with me. African American woman are the backbone of the black race. Ask, Harriett Tubman, Rosa Parks, or Ida Wells Barnett. These are woman that walked the walk. Ask Cloretta Scott King, Myrlie Evans, or Betty Shabazz, all woman that walked in faith with courageous black men. I just roughly spanned close about 400 years of history, so let me slow it down for you all. We got our rights in 1965, following the collapse of the Jim Crow, basically taking the 400 yrs of weight off of our sister’s shoulders, so they passed us the ball; asked us to carry it from here. Have we?
Kendall Bens strongly stated, "When I turn on the news I see crime after crime being committed by African American men. I do notice the media's influence on the general public and in my eyes, I don't see a very positive depiction of us. I've seen instances where a white male's involvement in a crime was downplayed and an accusation of a black male was pumped up to big news. I believe we're being targeted, we're being profiled, and we're being slowly erased. My opinion on what's happening is not all the fault of the media or white America, but I agree that we have to "except some of the blame."
Well brothers, not all of us, but you know who I’m talking to, have failed. If it applies, pray now! We can’t stay out of jail, we can’t get right with GOD, nor can we seek a higher education. Instead, we blame everyone else for our shortcomings. We're killing each other and for what, “because he looked at me wrong”. What’s the right way then? We rob and steal from each other and stab each other in the back. Out in the corporate world, we’d rather support someone else’s kid instead of our own. We had our chance, 40 years of it, but our ancestors are seeing it different now. Those spirits have been empowering our sisters to want more, achieve more, be less dependent, have more faith in self and GOD! Don’t hate brothers! I say "let’s support these African queens" to continue to move forward in the world, taking on responsibilities that they never thought possible. All those single mothers out there for no reason, still doing better than you because all you wanted was a piece, then she had your piece and now you want nothing to do with your clone. Wake Up Black Men!! When I say it’s too late, I don’t mean continue to be the way that you’ve been in the past like, lazy, slackers, idle, static. Lets support, love, cherish, and pamper this phenomenal woman. She is only doing it to get you back in the driver seat black man. Don’t misconstrue the situation and put her down, putting your hands on her, calling her a bitch, leaving her and the kids with no support. Now when I speak, I’m speaking about many of the females that I know personally and made a general census that many will be able to make this transition to support the black man.
Bens also states, "In my own opinion when I look at my people I am outraged with what I see happening to us. What's happening is that Black men are disappearing, leaving the African American woman the responsibility of his role plus hers. Regardless what anyone may say, I honestly believe that all children need a mother and a father during the years of development into adulthood. Now I do understand and know that a single parent can raise a good kid and I have nothing but the utmost respect for those individuals but, two heads are better than one. Why are so many African American women also African American fathers? For the many of us living our lives freely, where are we?"
Unfortunately, many black men feel that there is no way that we can be brought back, that African Americans will never be treated fair, ever. That seems to be a trapped mind to me. If our ancestors thought that way, where would we be now? We all know slavery has merged into its legal form, they call it institutionalization. I’m not buying it; however this monster has my mind going, am I living a dream like the King himself? A small spark of Racisms is the new 20 in the country right. Jena 6 was just a sample of what is coming people. Comedian, Michael Richards ranting off on stage is another example. Have we abandoned our responsibilities? Do we even care what happens to our future? I also question, is it possible for our generation of African American sisters to pull us from further self destruction, or will the African American woman be too consumed with trying to get promotions on the job and holding onto their executive or doctorial positions so much that they can only think of themselves?
Bill Cosby's new book, Come on People, addresses some of this. Men in general need to take responsibility for their actions and they need to have and be good role models. If a young man grows up without a dad, how is he going to know how to be a good one himself.? Men need to be the spiritual leaders in their families and pray for their kids. Our society has rewarded those who don't marry but have lots of kids and we have created a monster. Many see being a pimp, a drug pusher, or a hooker as a viable, if not the only options for their lives and it is a sad departure from the civil rights leaders of the 50's and 60's. They envisioned better for all of us.Men need to have faith in God and not leave "faith" to the women and children. Many will cite a godly grandmother as an influence in their lives, but where are the godly grandfathers? Our society almost expects that an African American male won't be home with the wife and kids. The most recent example of this is the cute KFC commercial. The Mom is having supper with the kids asking about their day and then they ask about hers to which she says having dinner with the kids is the best part of her day, which is great, but the husband and father of that home is significantly issing, am I the only one who sees that? Women can only do so much, it is the men who must decide enough is enough and as Bill Cosby says Come on People!
sure... as soon as they pull themselvs up... are they african,,or american,,, when you go to corporate america and say,,, i'm african-american... you are saying i am african first and then if there is any left i am american.. you will not get the job you seek.....women need to stop supporting dead beat men... how many women have several kids to support usually alone.. they did not make the kids by themselvs... women,, pull yourselvs up quit being used, and you can change the world... not just some men.... you can not change anything while you are on welfare or the dole get up.. get out... stand up.. and you can change the world.. if you don't like the way things are ... change them.. you are as smart as any man.... uses it to be more than a baby factory..... get educated,,,, quit the minimum wage job,, if you don't like the jobs offered.... make your own.. take the chance... go to corporate america and say,, i studied and got this degree, i know how to do what you need done... let me show you.... race is the one thing that is never necessary to be known....if you use it,, you will loose because of it......
It such a coincidence that you sent this out. I had to get into
Granville/ Halex/Andrew ass about the term ghetto. In other them
Words, they called me ghetto and I pulled their cards and now they looking real sick, but I aint done torturing them yet. What they failed to realize
is that I am a well rounded sistah that takes from each culture! Now
I'm giving them the “Others” treatment....your not good enough to
socialize with me treatment....BEEP! So angry right now...still angry....suckaz will sell their blood line if it had a price!
Lady J
understand and respect what you are saying, however I disagree with some of it. How many strong upstanding black women have had their hearts broken by their own sons for going down that road of no return. The reason their son's went down that road is not because of her wrong doing, but because there was no strong positive black role model in their life to show them how to be a man. A mother can be many things to their son's, but it takes a good man to show a boy how to be a good man. Then it takes a good women to help keep that good man a good man.
Mama V
understand and respect what you are saying, however I disagree with some of it. How many strong upstanding black women have had their hearts broken by their own sons for going down that road of no return. The reason their son's went down that road is not because of her wrong doing, but because there was no strong positive black role model in their life to show them how to be a man. A mother can be many things to their son's, but it takes a good man to show a boy how to be a good man. Then it takes a good women to help keep that good man a good man.
Mama V
Good Morning,
Interesting document I must say and very true. We do need to be more supportive of our Husbands, Brothers, and Male Friends. However, we all need to be accountable for our own actions and stop making excuses. Therefore we have to prepare ourselves to grow (Men), so you will have the qualification that is needed to complete your assignment here on earth. What I have notice around the world about our "Blackman" that they didn't have good role models that can pour wisdom, knowledge in there life. So that's a major problem as well because we do need someone in our life that can deposit information to us. Let us know that we are well able to conqueror anything that life has to offer up. My prayer is that Men will seek the will of the Father and stop playing around - (wasting time) because once our men begin to understand the importance of having the Lord on there side. They will then understand that nothing can hold them back racism, lies, and ect. God is searching for a Man (Men)'s that he can pour out his spirit on them. Then take there lives and turn it around for there good.
Proverbs 16:3----- Commit your works unto the Lord and your thoughts will be established.
See ya,
Since when has it been any different for any ethnic group? Reality check, here. Women have always been the foundation that things are built upon. Everything begins with parent/child. The crux of existence, especially for we humans. Some say no, but that is where it is. Men ( and women, as well) need to understand that
With every strong man is a strong woman (wish I had one with me) but each person regardless of ethnicity needs to stand / succeed on their own merit it's to much responsibility to place one the Black Woman's shoulders.
Verb Water
As a master of illusion, I can tell you one of the principle basis of creating and pulling off a successful illusion--misdirection. The thesis completely obviates the stellar accomplishments of such men as Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, black inventors too numerous to mention, Dr. Mark Dean who holds 3 of the original patents on which the personal computer is based, and lead the team which invented the ISA bus which allows attachment of peripherals to the pc, and the team which developed the 1st gigahertz processor. We let the media lead us around like sheep. Read John Foster Dulles, "A Nation of Sheep" and you will see things don't change much, only the veneers. Most rantings don't examine the big picture. True history, balances these things out and the truth is that Russ is pretty much on target. We all, people of all genders and races, have contributed mightily and are still contributing. If you want to succumb to the slanted information gleaned from mainstream media and biased writers with a specific, sometimes hidden agenda, then any actual problems will not be solved, which is actually the point of the misdirection. Illusion keeps you from seeing the reality. Let women have executive positions if they have earned them . We real black men and real men of all colors are walking with you, not behind or in front of you. Be blessed
Magic Man
ok, i have read what you posted on that site. so many things are bouncing around in my head. i'm going to try and be as tactful as i can be in my answer. my response may go everywhere but my point will be made. i think it is about time that all women are brought forth from the shadows of their spouse and or significant others. it's time to stake a claim in this world that we are not to be considered weak or destitute in intelligence by any means. this is why many of the women you listed are known for whom they are now. i've often heard many african-americans say that they can't get ahead because the white man is keeping him/her down. i don't believe that one bit! first off, you have to want something bad enough to get up off your butt to make it happen. second, if you can't get it by this so-called white mans' standards, by golly, find a legal way to do it!
the african-american race is a very resourceful people. but one thing that bothers me about our african-american race is that we don't have enough sense to band together for the purpose of creating something good that could benefit us. and until we can do this, there will not be much progress for us as a whole. it will only serve as good for the individual. the women are educating themselves and succeeding in this world today because she has learned that in order to have something and to be totally independent, she has to really work for it. her education is the key. many black men, and some other minority groups, are looking for a quick fix which often ends with jail time or burial. and it's shameful. can afro-american women pull blacks from destruction? no. before you can help someone they must want to be helped. i wouldn't waist my time on anyone, regardless of race, if they think they're being held back by another race. that's what i am going to call contraband ghetto mental thinking. and it should be outlawed! or should they focus on their careers? i'm going to say this and it may sound like i am contradicting myself but that's not my intentions. yes, focus on their careers until they are able to be put in a position to help others that wants to be helped by way of educating and passing it on to the next. it's just all about choices.
Rayne Smith
Yes, it's possible. As long as the men cooperate with us, we're willing to stand beside them. But when we're degraded and disrespected, we stand by men long enough to clobber them upside their heads! So, yes, it's possible!
Wonder Girl
It's possible, but they'll need to make some sacrifices they won't like. First and foremost turn to God. Then obey his commands, the one that jumps to mind is stopping with the pre-marital sex. Decreasing our 60%-70% out of wedlock births will cut all of our problems dramatically.
I am not responsible for the entire black race and I refuse to represent it unless there is a general election in which I win and I am paid to represent it.
So no, I will not pull blks from self destruction, I will, however, take care of my husband, children, family, and friends.
That Gyrl
They need help from black men. Black men need to be there with their women to raise their children with morals and family values. They need to be taught the consequences of crime, and how it hinders the progression of the black community
Eddie M
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