They pray on you until they suck you dry... They live with you for free... they barely pay anything when you go out... they ask for handouts every chance they get... they drink your liquor and throw it your food...they use you to establish their business ventures...they use you as the FACE OF THEIR PRODUCT...and they use your contacts and hook ups! See the correlation here, yes, similar to a leach. Oh, please don't try to come up and get a good job or mate and really start doing good for yourself. It seem like they go into "EMERGENCY HATE MODE", no cut cards, kick em while he's down! They turn on the afterburners to Hate on you! They burn themselves out trying to bring you back down to their level but when you get up and fly away, your safe because they can't jump off the ground due to the hate weight strapped around their ankles which cost $150!!!! SAD...
Even though I sound sarcastic in the above paragraphs, I just need you all to understand that without HATERS around us, we would never achieve great things in life. It is a fact that most of the things you may have achieved was because of what someone said you couldn't do. Some people have different drives that push them, but Hating is usually associated indirectly with your achievements. My writing had to be direct and ignorant for some people to get the picture but read below to bring some calm into this...
::BENS: As a rule of thumb, people over time have become accustomed to the idea of compromise. The concept of meeting at a happy median may pose to be partially disappointing yet, at the same time, beneficial for all parties involved. You simply can't have the ying without the yang, the good without the bad, and most importantly love without HATERS. Hate does hurt, but hate also helps. In my opinion, a world without hate would probably be much like the world was intended to be before the tree of life was disturbed by Eve and then Adam. Unfortunately, it's here around us every day.
As forward thinking individuals, I believe we should learn to capture the negative energy of the hater and make it a positive. We all clearly know and understand the harsh reality of hate, but only a small amount of us realize that hate is what fueled our most influential leaders. The people that we remember for their greatness were hated men and women yet, they simply embraced the hate and proved their HATERS wrong. Also, they understood that if they took offense to the hatred, then they would only multiply its magnitude. When a person faced with hate fights back with hate, they do nothing but perpetuate an already vicious circle. Instead of feeding fuel to that fire, feed that fuel toward your own ambitions and move on. Now, I know this may not address why we need HATERS, but imagine what the world would be like without it. Would we ever be motivated to push ourselves pass the threshold of our assumed abilities? Would we have a lack heroism? And would love be less defined? I don't know, you tell me.
Don't send it if you know your the HATER because that's what HATERS DO, jump on the bandwagon! However, if you forward this, some HATERS will take it personal, they might ask you to not send this and delete you from their email; it's only because it applies... THEIR HATERS TOO!
It's KELLZ signing off until next time, have a fantastic week!
I love haters in my life, it makes me whole!
This column is on point! We need hate to keep our drive and motivation up. They are negative but their negative ways can force us to do positive things. Keep up the good work fellaz. W.O.W looks forward to having you on the show soon!
yes haters are good for you
if you dont know how bad some people are how are you ever going to fully appreciate the others?
But hell if they are living with you kick them out
and quit giving them handouts! you're letting them get away with it! and if they get pissy just let it go but dont give in and if they dont ever get over it ....did you really want them around?
You're right that we need haters in life. In fact, not all of them are bad because there are haters who pare able to prevent bad things from happening.
If we never have any, chaos would erupt.
But keep in mind that trying to be nice to every hater there is will only encourage them to antagonize you more. And that's when you gotta show 'em who's boss.
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